Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Skin Beware: Fall has arrived

When carved pumpkins meet hay, it means that fall has arrived. Tell your knuckles to be prepared for some severe crackage. There is Steve Boyle at Casey's Bar and Restaurant in Towson. He looks quite nice if I do say so myself.

The Towson Tiger in front of Stephens Hall looks fierce as he stands proud. The tiger is the king of the jungle around Towson.

Taking good pictures is not as easy as you may think. The first thing that you need to do is the "hand test." That's right. You must do this because you need to make sure that if you are taking a picture of someone, they have the right amount of light on their face. All you do is you turn around in a circle with your hand in front of you. You will notice that the amount of light on your hand is changing. When you get to that perfect position where the right light is on your hand. Snap that photo there.
Also you must make sure to follow the rule of thirds. You don't want your object to be directly in the center of the photo. You want a little bit of their body in each frame as if you chopped the photo into thirds.